Naturally Comfort Family

Cancellation Deadlines Hotel Gerl GmbH

Book & cancel without worries:

In case of travel restrictions due to the situation, you can cancel your reservation free of charge up to 24h before arrival.

Bookings with a scheduled arrival on the same day as well as bookings made with a scheduled arrival after the deadline for no-charge cancellations are non refundable.

Low season:

During the low-season, room cancellations can be made free of charge up to 24 hours before your scheduled arrival (3:00pm).  After this time you will be charged for the first night.


easter week
15.06.2022 bis 15.09.2022
autumn holidays

the room reservation can be canceled free of charge up to 7 days before arrival, after which you will be charged for 100 % of the total reserved stay.

all weekends:
the room reservation can be canceled free of charge up to 72h before arrival, after which you will be charged for 100 % of the total reserved stay.


Gastmesse in November
advent weekend
christmas weekend
Christmas to the holy three kings

the room reservation can be canceled free of charge up to 7 days before arrival, after which you will be charged for 100 % of the total reserved stay.

all weekends:
the room reservation can be canceled free of charge up to 72h before arrival, after which you will be charged for 100 % of the total reserved stay.


For groups reserving 5 or more rooms, separate cancellation provisions apply.

  1. – 35. days before arrival 20% of the accommodation price
  2. – 27. days before arrival 50% of the accommodation price
  3. – 19. days before arrival 60% of the accommodation price
  4. – 11. days before arrival 80% of the accommodation price

10.– 1. day(s) before arrival 90% of the accommodation price

100% of the accommodation price on the day of arrival.


Cancellations and changes must be made in writing and only become effective with our written confirmation!